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Spring 2020 News


Spring 2020

UK Deaf Community Group

Jack Griffiths created his own website and facebook page called 'UK Deaf Community Group'. Here below is his introduction: 


"First, of all let me introduce myself, my name is Jack, I'm 19 years old and I have Mild hearing loss.I have designed 'UK Deaf Community Group' website and created facebook page so it will give deaf people across the UK the opportunity to make new friends as well as sharing any experiences they may have had, all in a nice and friendly environment or if they want to ask any questions, we are all here to support each other!" 


Here are the links if you wish follow him:







Spring 2020

Christmas Family Group

The children who attend Family Group enjoyed a special visit from Father Christmas at their party at The Stepping Stones Centre on 19th December 2019. The children were very excited to see Father Christmas and enjoyed receiving their gifts (funded with a little help from the kind elves at SDCS).



Spring 2020

Staying Safe Online

The internet can be a great tool for helping deaf young people to communicate with both deaf and hearing peers. But for parents, it can be hard to find the right balance between allowing them privacy and keeping them safe. For guidance on how to help your child understand about using the internet safely, visit



Spring 2020


SIS (HI) Family Group (pre-school hearing aid wearers and their families) met for their annual Christmas visit to Wonderland at Telford Town Park on 5th December 2019.


The visit was kindly paid for by Shropshire Deaf Children’s Society. Many families enjoyed the visit to see Father Christmas in his Grotto. Visits to the themed fairy tale houses also took place. Some children enjoyed the small fairground rides. It was a fabulous day which was enjoyed by all!  



Spring 2020


This year our annual visit to see Jack and the Beanstalk at The Place in Oakengates was a great success. A total of 127 went along, including parents, carers, brothers, sisters and a few grandparents. The pantomime is always a popular event and once again didn’t disappoint.


The pantomime is always a great way to meet other families as well as enjoying the show, along with the opportunity to meet the cast.


We look forward to our next pantomime, Aladdin in December. Thank you to Shropshire Deaf Children’s Society for supporting this event.


SDCS Awards

Spring 2020

SDCS Awards

SDCS postponed the Family Event in September, so the CYP receiving the awards weren’t able to be presented formally with their prizes. Instead the Teachers of the Deaf gave out individual certificates and prizes. Winners of the prizes were.


Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Spring 2020

Study Day

On Friday 6th March, 12 students from Years 9 and 10 took part in a study day at The Lantern Centre in Shrewsbury. We looked at different ways of studying – what does and doesn’t work for them – and tried out some new ways of revising. Paige Eades gave us a talk about life at college, having a part time job and what their next steps could be. And of course, there was the usual bingo with prizes!



Spring 2020

NDCS Make a Change Fund

Are you 8 – 25 years old? Deaf? Do you have an idea that could change the world for you and other deaf young people?


Apply for the NDCS Make a Change Fund right now!


What is the Make a Change Fund?

The Fund helps young deaf people make a difference in their local area by creating exciting new projects.


If you know about a problem you or other deaf people sometimes have in your local area and want to help make a change then YOU can apply!


All you have to do is think of a project that can help make your local area better for other deaf young people.


• Work with a group of friends, youth group, school friends.
• Your team can be a mixture of deaf and hearing.
• There must be at least 2 people working on the project.
• At least one must be deaf.
• You must have a youth worker or organisation (like your school, youth group or Brownies) to help you with your project.


Don’t worry if you don’t have anyone to support you, just let us know and we can help!


Some of the projects that other deaf young people have undertaken:

  • Improving deaf awareness at local leisure centre.

  • Sharing deaf awareness tips with bus drivers.

  • Setting up a sign language club at school.

If you apply to our Fund, we can give you up to £500 to help with your project! We know you can do amazing things and we want to help you do them.

If you are full of bright ideas and want to make a difference then you can apply right now!


How to find out more and apply:


Fill in this expression of interest form with your name and email address.


We will then send you all the information you need to start your journey.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss an idea, please email


Please contact Dawn Ball if you would like support with a project. We can’t wait to read all about your fantastic ideas!


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