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Andrew Broughton Award

Andrew Broughton was the SIS Head of Service for many years before he sadly passed away in 2010. Andrew was a passionate advocate of the needs of all hearing impaired children being met effectively, whatever their setting or additional needs. This award recognises some of the very special challenges this group of hearing impaired children face and our pride in their achievements.

Caleb Baines

Caleb adapted well to Key Stage Three at Severndale Academy. He started school full time for the first time, in September , and settled quickly and happily into his new routine despite missing his home-school tutor. He is profoundly deaf and wears two cochlear implants, which he is working really hard to use at all times in school. He sometimes finds noise overwhelming but, despite this, he is keeping his processors on for as long as possible at school and remains happy and settled. His teacher is delighted with how well he engages with lessons and peers. Well done Caleb!

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